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Bridgestone Arena, originally Nashville Arena, and formerly Gaylord Entertainment Center and Sommet Center, is a multi-purpose venue in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, that was completed in 1996, and is the home of the Nashville Predators of the National Hockey Leagueoù est l’arena des panthers de la floride. Bridgestone Arena has a seating capacity of 17,113 for hockey, 19,395 for basketball, and up to 20,000 for concerts. The seating configuration is notable for the oddly-shaped south end, which features two large round roof support columns, no mid-level seating, and only one level of suites, bringing the upper-level seats much closer to the floor. Bridgestone Arena was named the eighth best arena in the NHL by The Sporting News because “every game is one big party, and you never know which famous country music performer will sing the National Anthem or take to the stage behind the goal between periodsnashville predators golf shirt. Then there is the Broadway strip of honky tonks just blocks away.

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